Top reasons why African children need our charity

African Child Sponsorship

There is no doubt in the fact that the poorest continent in the world is Africa. Even the poor people of Australia, Europe and other continents have better facilities than most of the people of Africa. The people of Africa, especially the children, need our help to get the necessities of life. When the world is talking about space technologies and the latest mobile and computer technologies, the Africans are suffering from starvation. African child sponsorship can help to save their lives as well as provide them with better facilities which they cannot get without our help. Here are a few reasons why we need to help African charity.

 Suffer from hunger

Studies found that more than 30% of African children are bearing the consequences of malnutrition. Their immune systems are much weaker than the children of other regions of the world. Their physical and mental development is not up to the standard, and they are too small for their age. They also suffer from many of the heart, kidney and lungs diseases. The child mortality rate in African countries is much higher than the other countries of the world. In some countries like Sierra Leone out of 1000 kids, 185 children die before their fifth birthday. The most common reasons for their deaths are pneumonia, malaria, diarrhea and pregnancy and childbirth complications.

 Grow up without parents

People living in developed countries cannot imagine living without their both or one of the parents. A lot of kids in Africa lose one or both of their parents at an early age and they have to grow up without them. Millions of the kids in Africa grow up without their parents, and some of them do not have their immediate family members to care for them. We can help African charity for the kids to save their childhood. 

Forced to work

In Africa, a lot of children have to work in their childhood instead of getting an education. Those kids have to work in mines, factories and fields. This forced labour doesn’t give them the chance to go and attend schools. A study found that almost 30million children only in sub-Saharan Africa are out of school. Out of them, 54% are girls. African child sponsorship can help them to go and attend school and get a formal education. If we help African charity, we can provide them with the opportunity to build a promising future not for them but the whole continent.