Positive Effects Of Sleeve On Stomach Surgery On Overall Health

Sleeve on stomach

Sleeve on stomach or sleeve gastrectomy is an effective treatment for morbid obesity. It is the best weight loss surgery with long-term results, which can be achieved without side effects like gallstones and back pain.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive procedure that involves removing 80 percent of your stomach to create a small stomach pouch called sleeve. The operation works by reducing your food intake and decreasing absorption of nutrients into your body.

Sleeve gastrectomy or sleeve resection is a surgical bariatric procedure in which the greater curvature of the stomach is reduced, creating a tube shape. The remnant stomach is about 15–20 cm long and narrows at both ends.

This is accomplished by dividing the stomach into two portions along its greater curvature, removing about 60% of it. The small upper pouch, which is about 5 cm long, connects to the esophagus directly, allowing for normal swallowing action and passage of the food.

Precautions to undermine while using weight loss medication:

The weight loss medications should be taken in the prescribed dose and duration for achieving desired results. However, there are some precautions that need to be followed while using these medicines. Your doctor or physician will guide you about taking a suitable dose of this kind of medication according to your current health condition.

Sleeve on stomach

There are numerous weight loss medications available in the market today. Unfortunately, many of these products have serious side effects and may actually be detrimental to your health. The best way to lose weight is by following a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Here, you will get help to understand how some of these drugs work and their potential side effects, so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not they are right for you.

Possible major positive results of sleeve on stomach surgery:

There are a number of potential positive results from sleeve on stomach or sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This type of weight loss procedure removes a large portion of the stomach and can be extremely effective for people who have struggled with obesity for years.

With a smaller stomach, patients will not feel as hungry after eating and will be less likely to overindulge in high-calorie foods that may have been responsible for their weight issues in the first place.

The procedure is a bit more invasive than a gastric bypass surgery, but it requires fewer incisions and leaves smaller scars. The sleeve gastrectomy removes all of the stomach except for a banana-shaped pouch that has the same diameter as a pencil.