Authentic self exercise or self-efficacy is the conscious awareness of ones ability to be effective in producing the desired outcome of one’s task or the ability to deal with life challenges. A person that is self-efficient possesses a level of self-awareness that gives them an innate ability to realize that they already possess everything he or she needs to know to not only solve their problems but to bring their goals, needs and wants into fruition. As in each of our lives, there are six life areas that complete a self-efficient individual. These include emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, social and intellectual. Furthermore, when we have all these areas balanced we feel happy and fulfilled.
The secret trick of triggering the self-efficacy:
The trick becomes how do we balance these areas and meet our basic needs of belonging, power or recognition, freedom and fun. The answer is to meet these needs internally rather than externally. Think about it for a minute. If we all possess the innate ability to solve our own problems and bring them into fruition, then why are so many of us basing our own fulfilment on the needs, wants and perceptions of others and things that are external. We should not be and the reality is; we will never become self-efficient if we do.
To become a person with bold authenticity and self-efficacy, it takes a decision, a commitment, a strategy and action. Your Decision depends on what you feel about what are your purpose and meaning. You then make up your mind that that you will start living a life that is based on your values and belief system and not from others. For those of you who are spiritual, your foundation of beliefs can be based in the principals and doctrines of your higher power. Your commitment will pledge you to yourself that you will utilize all of your strength, skills, talents and resources to accomplish your decision.
Actions and strategies that will help in authentic self-exercise:
For authentic self-exercise, your strategy also depends on your decision. It will figure out healthy and empowering strategies that will help you bring your decision to fruition. If you realize that, you lack important resources and skills to bring your decision to reality. Strategize how you can use the strengths, skills, talents and resources you do possess, to acquire the critical ones you are lacking. You take positive steps toward your decision while taking action on it. You are simply making movement in the intended direction. It is not based on how big the growth, it is based in simply growing. If you are growing your progressing, and if you are progressing you are changing, and if you are changing, your action is taking place.